Boardman River Clean Sweep
Brown Bridge Landing to River Pitch Boardman River Cleanup Report
June 18, 2024
Project #23

Jocelyn Trepte and Mike Rodenberg led this project today which was the last BRCS project for 2024.

This makes 20 YEARS! that we have done these full river cleanup projects on the Boardman River.

And it is only fitting that Jocelyn co-led this one since it was Jocelyn who first paddled with me in 2004
on the very first BRCS project even before it had a name.

Today was a really hot day (95F) but windy (which helped but was annoying) and everyone brought extra water.

8 people participated in the project today including Marvin who ran our shuttle.

Jocelyn and Mike both did a great job of planning and the volunteers who came did a fantastic job of working
togther to get some pretty nasty stuff out of the river.

There was a respecable amount of trash but the river was in good condition. This section is heavily paddled by
tourists and locals and we did find trash in the river, some of it large and heavy but we got it all.

We all had a great time but Diane flipped going after the big red rug near the takeout but was not injured. She
actually enjoyed the dip she took and she did lose one beer bottle back into the river. We'll find it again next year.

The Crew

Jocelyn's Report:

Jocelyn's report can be found here posted on the TAPC website:

CLICK HERE to see Jocelyn's Report



The the crew resting afterwards:

CLICK HERE to see all the photos taken today

We want to expecially thank Tim Brick and the BLUES RUGBY Team for letting us use the River Pitch property
to launch and takeout for our projects this year. It was a blessing to have this property available to us.

These projects are funded by grants from:


The Consumers Energy Foundation

National Cherry Festival Foundation

And private donors like you.

Norman R. Fred
Chairman - Boardman River Clean Sweep
10422 Peninsula Dr. - Traverse City, MI 49686

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