Boardman River Clean Sweep
Downtown Boardamn River Cleanup Report
Saturday, September 23, 2023
2023 Project #45

It was a small group but an effective one that came out to help do this last but important cleanup downtown.
The river was not very dirty today but there was a lot of fishing line in the trees. We found many lures and bobbers
that we gave to fishermen along the shore.

The Czerwanka Family decided to do a family project from Hull Park to the dam and that was fine. They did a great job.

In the confusion of the shuttle, I forgot my camera in the car but Irene got some good pictures as did the Czerwonka family
who worked from Hull Park to the dam which has not been cleaned in two years.

Irene proved that there are wild animals living in town and who need trees and brush along the river for habitat with a great
photo of a mink. That habitat is quickly being destroyed by heavy development and major construction projects.

After our KFC lunch, we went back to the DNR Weir to get a traffic barrier that was too heavy to take out with our boats.
Paul, Irene, Ev and some passing tourists helped us pull it out of the river with a rope. Ev dragged it to the parking lot.
We left it at the Boat Ramp for the City Parks and Rec to pickup on Monday. Thank you TC P&R!

All the photos for this project are here:

All Photos taken today:.

Our work today was partially funded by grants from

The Consumers Energy Foundation

National Cherry Festival Foundation

Adams Chapter Trout Unlimited

And private donors like you.

Thank you to the Delmar for letting us use their parking lot for the takeout and also to the KFC for a great lunch.
Thank you to the TC Parks and Rec for helping us dispose of this trash.

It has been a wonderful paddling season and now we will wind down with some illegal dumpsite work.

Norman R. Fred
Chairman - Boardman River Clean Sweep
10422 Peninsula Dr. - Traverse City, MI 49686

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