Boardman River Clean Sweep
Kalkaska Conservation District

Upper Manistee River Cleanup #2
M-72 to Yellow Trees Cleanup Report
Thursday - September 15, 2022

Upper Manistee River Cleanup Report

Since Covid started, the UMR has been on the back burner of our cleanup efforts and it shows.
The river is a mess so we got permissions to place 6 trash cans at landings but we only placed
3 for various reasons. CR-612, M-72, and Hole in the Wall Landings were chosen as test cases
to see if they would have the positive effect of less litter in the river and they have worked with only
a few problems.

The Kalkaska Conservation District and the BRCS combined forces to start the revival of the UMR
cleanps of the past. In July we did the first of two cleanups on the UMR.

This is the second installment of that project.

The M-72 to Hole In The Wall group was a mixed party of Kalkaska registrants.

Thay did very well with two bags of cans and trash. Maybe 40 pounds of trash in all.

The Hole In The Wall to Yellow Trees groups had a longer trip and they found 1 1/5 bags of cans and trash.

Our extendable spears worked really well.

When we were done, the BRCS bought a very late a BK lunch for six of the crew that stuck around
to help the second group. We all ate for $19.87 with the use of coupons and a military discount.

All the photos can be seen here:

A VERY Special Thank You to Pat Cline of GFL Environmental, Inc. for helping us figure out the
the details of this complicated trash can problem on the Manistee River. People said we couldn't do it but
with Pat's help, we did. And it made a huge difference in the cleanliness of the river. The river was quite
clean considering we had not cleaned it for almost 3 years.

Norman R. Fred
Chairman - Boardman River Clean Sweep
10422 Peninsula Dr. - Traverse City, MI 49686

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